legacy giving

Legacy Giving to the Center for the Arts.

Leave a legacy

Since 1987 the Center for the Arts has served as the hub of the Crested Butte community and has enriched countless lives. When you make a gift to the Center for the Arts as a part of your legacy planning, you will sustain the arts in our community for generations to come. There are several ways that you can leave a legacy gift to the Center for the Arts:


Making a gift in your will or living trust is a great way to ensure that your legacy endures. Your gift may be a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or a remainder after all other provisions are specified. 

Our federal tax ID number is: 74-2451146

Sample Language: 

“I give to Center for the Arts, a nonprofit organization (federal tax id: 74-245-1146) located at 606 6th Street, Crested Butte, Colorado 81224, or its successor thereto, ____________ [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for its unrestricted charitable use and purpose.”

Beneficiary Gifts

Another way to leave a legacy to the Center for the Arts is to name us as a beneficiary of any number of financial assets, including 401(k)s, 403(b)s, IRAs, Donor Advised Funds, and life insurance policies. Because the Center is a tax-exempt organization, every dollar of these assets will go towards supporting our productions and programs in the years to come and will not be taxed. The steps to leave all or a portion of these assets to the Center for the Arts are simple: 

  1. Contact the plan administrator or download the beneficiary from from your provider’s website
  2. Decide what percentage you would like the Center for the Arts to receive and name us, along with the percentage you chose, on the beneficiary form. 
  3. Return the form to your plan administrator.
  4. Contact Erika Brownlee (erika@crestedbuttearts.org) to inform us of your legacy gift so we can ensure that it is used as intended.
Erika Brownlee
Director of Development

Erika Brownlee
970-349-7487 ext. 714