Featured Sponsor: Benchmark Mortgage
March 30, 2021 | Featured Sponsors | No Comments
The next amazing sponsor we’d like to highlight is Benchmark Mortgage. This business has been a sponsor of the Center for the past three years, and they pride themselves on their customer service, on-time closings, experience, and the way they love and care about the people in this community.

Benchmark is a big supporter of the Center primarily because they love the diverse programs the Center provides to our community–visitors, part-time residents, and full-time locals.
Branch Manager Diane Beaumont calls the unique experiences of culture and arts “a treasure…There is always something for everyone.”
“When the pandemic is over, I’m looking forward to the outdoor and indoor concerts and camaraderie the Center provides,” said Diane. “I most look forward to seeing all the smiling faces again.”
And we’re looking forward to being able to host those concerts, and are especially excited to serve you a cold beer using the top-of-the-line bar equipment that Benchmark’s generous support made possible. Make sure you thank Diane for that the next time you see her!
Thank you to Diane Beaumont (pictured below) and the whole Benchmark team for your support of the Center! Check out Benchmark Mortgage’s website here.
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