Featured Sponsor: Crested Butte Oxygen Rentals
October 18, 2021 | Featured Sponsors | No Comments
Next up in the featured sponsors series is an interview with Mark Ewing at Crested Butte Oxygen Rentals!
Crested Butte Oxygen Rentals provides oxygen rentals for tourists that come to Crested Butte that suffer from altitude sickness, which ends up being between 50 and 60 percent of people that come here. Even if you’re a track athlete you can get destroyed by the altitude. It’s not based on your physical fitness or anything like that, it’s your physiology and how your blood carries oxygen through it. We provide the oxygen for people to feel better… and save their vacations. Most of the people that come here end up being affected by it in some way or another so we make sure that they don’t spend their entire vacation in bed.
How long have you been involved with the Center? Why do you support the Center for the Arts?
Crested Butte Oxygen Rentals donated an Oxygen machine last year before COVID happened. ‘We were thinking it was a good fit for musicians ands artists who come to Crested Butte who even between songs they get out of breath, or dancing around on stage they’d run out of energy. We saw that having an oxygen machine off on the side of the stage ended up making performers feel better and musicians ended up having better performances and we thought it would be a good service to provide for the center as a donation. We donated a machine and hundreds of masks and cannulas and all of the supplies in the interest of helping the artists that come here deal with the altitude.
Do you have a favorite moment or memory?
My favorite moments are my kids being up on stage for school performances… other than that seeing Martin Sexton with my wife two years ago or Buckethead with some of my guy friends, playing some raging guitar. Move the Butte is always a fun thing and the matchstick movie premiers are always a good time and they get you into the mood for the ski season.
What’s something you’re most looking forward to?
Seeing possibly some bigger name bands that are possibly more interested in Crested Butte cause theres a bigger, better venue.
Thank you so much to Mark and everyone at CB oxygen Rentals for your donation to the Center for the Arts! Learn more about CB Oxygen Rentals and check out their website here.
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