A Sense of Being Exhibition
02 | 06 to 03 | 07
Alan Paine Radebaugh | Oil Paintings
Elizabeth Fritzsche | Porcelain Vessels + Cast Iron Sculpture
When we contemplate ‘being’, we think of physical awareness, our senses, our relationships with objects, self, and other beings. However, what ‘being’ means to an individual is often more intangible, encompassing personal experience and spiritual awareness. When our energy joins with the energy of ‘place’, our sense of being embraces us. For these two artists, Elizabeth Fritzsche & Alan Paine Radebaugh, the joining of their energy with the energy of place happens as part of their creative process. With different perceptions and media, these two artists capture their experience of ‘being’ through their process of creating.
Elizabeth Fritzsche has been working in porcelain for 40 years and has been casting iron since 2000. She has had artist residencies in China and Japan. Her porcelain vessels blend the quality of ancient Japanese traditions with American freedom of expression. The textual marks,
which she calls the language of positive intentions, are fired into the porcelain vessels and embody the ability of intentions to affect the energy of the spaces we inhabit. Her iron sculptures, made from discarded metal, reference our deeper human states of mind. “Slow Going” represents our deeply rooted sense of self, striving and discarding.
Learn more about Elizabeth and her work: www.lizfritzsche.com
For 20 years Alan Paine Radebaugh’s paintings have focused on landscapes—abstract and representational. From 2008—2020 his Ghost of Sea Project saw Radebaugh journey from New Mexico to the Arctic Ocean and from the Continental Divide east to the Ohio river. In 2021, Radebaugh began a new series, Canyons, the paintings in this exhibit. For Canyons, he has traveled west of the Continental Divide through the Canyonlands of the Southwest—Utah, Colorado, Nevada, and Arizona. He has followed rivers and the awe-inspiring canyons that cut through this land. These landscape paintings do not document a particular sit, rather they reflect Radebaugh’s ‘being’ in the Canyonlands.
Learn more about Alan and his work: www.radebaughfineart.com